The Schism
The Schism refers to September 7th, 2022, when the events predicted in The Weismann Cube stopped occurring, causing the universal timeline to split. It eventually leads to a drastically different world that evidently relies on a massive chrome-based manufacturing industry, has no more MeMoreTV or Triple Play Classic, and is governed by a posh aristocracy.[1]
In this timeline, 2042 Doug withdrew into hiding after his digital footprint was ruined after he published video of himself inhaling his own flatulence through a hose. 2042 Sam became assistant chancellor of Hulton Barge (GSET3.509 PARSEC 9). Doug was compelled to transmit his self-criticisms and gasturbation regrets back to 2022, interrupting the Skeleton Realm LIVE! episode 20 stream on September 7th, 2022. The interference nullified the extremely pleasurable future promised by The Weismann Cube, ending 41 years of accurate predictions.[2] It also spread gaping timeholes, one of which disembodied and dislodged a 2042 chrome factory worker named Chromer.