Bing Bong Games is an American game publisher and development company based in San Francisco, California. It was founded in 2006 by Scott Orber and David Garman. The company is best known for its work on the popular simulation game Airport Bathroom Simulator and the mobile gameapp Do My Tasks; Medieval. Bing Bong Games has also published and developed a number of other successful games, including SkoubCatcher, Bubble Holes, and Sorm's Gasaholic Nightmare. The company has a team of experienced game developers and designers who are passionate about creating fun and innovative games that are enjoyed by millions of players around the world. Bing Bong Games is committed to providing a great gaming experience for all players and offers a variety of customer support options for its games.
Acquisition by Skeleton Realm
In 2015, Bing Bong Games was acquired by Skeleton Realm, a leading media consortium and global think tank. This acquisition has allowed Bing Bong Games to continue to develop and publish great games for players worldwide.
In 2020, as part of MeMoreTV's purchase of Skeleton Realm, Bing Bong Games has fallen under the MeMoreTV Games division but continues to operate on its own.
In September of 2020, Bing Bong Games came under fire for copycatting an indie game called "The Hole" created by a three person team. The company issued an apology and stated they would be crediting the original game in their own. Popular game reviewer, HardcoreTom criticized Bing Bong Games for their "lack of creativity" in an article featured in the popular gaming magazine, Code Gnome.