Cartoon Guys
Cartoon Guys is an upcoming adult animated drama television series created by Doug Bleichner and Sam Wagstaff and produced by Skeleton Realm Studios. It follows two unnamed characters of complex moral framework with a proclivity to hit that dope and engage in dialogue with sovereign entities.
Cartoon Guys was announced by Bleichner and Wagstaff on May 18, 2022 in a segment aired on episode four of Skeleton Realm LIVE!, which included a live production of the pilot. It succeeded a bout of commentary issued by Bleicher discussing the duo's history with American cable television channel Adult Swim, specifically with regards to Skeleton Landlord, a previous endeavor of theirs in adult animation.
Cartoon Guys is a drama with moments of dark comedy and intense action sequences. Its subject matter includes such topics as domestic violence, trauma, mental health, drug use, coming of age, and brotherhood.
- Guy is played by writer and producer Doug Bleichner
- Guy is played by writer and producer Sam Wagstaff